Micha Sharir and Roel Apfelbaum.
An Improved Bound on the Number of Unit Area Triangles.
We show that the number of unit-area triangles determined by
a set of n points in the plane is O(n9/4 + ε), for any
ε > 0, improving the recent bound O(n44/19) of Dumitrescu et al.
Boris Bukh, Jiri Matousek and Gabriel Nivasch.
Lower Bounds for Weak epsilon-Nets and Stair-Convexity.
A subset N of Rd is called a "weak epsilon-net" (witha
respect to convex sets) for a finite point set X in Rd if N
intersects every convex set that contains at least ε|X| points
of X. For every fixed d ≥ 2 and every r ≥ 1 we construct subsets X of
Rd for which every weak 1/r-net has at least Ω(r logd - 1r)
points; this is the first superlinear lower bound for weak
epsilon-nets in a fixed dimension.
The construction is a "stretched grid", i.e., the Cartesian product of
d suitable fast-growing finite sequences, and convexity in this grid
can be analyzed using "stair-convexity", a new variant of the usual
notion of convexity.
We also consider weak epsilon-nets for the diagonal of our stretched
grid in Rd, d ≥ 3, which is an "intrinsically 1-dimensional" point
set. In this case we exhibit slightly superlinear lower bounds
(involving the inverse Ackermann function), showing that upper bounds
by Alon, Kaplan, Nivasch, Sharir, and Smorodinsky (2008) are not far
from the truth in the worst case.
Using the stretched grid we also improve the known upper bound for the
so-called "second selection lemma" in the plane by a logarithmic
factor. That is, we obtain a set T of m triangles with vertices in an
n-point set in the plane such that no point is contained in more than
O(m2 / (n3 log (n3 / m))) triangles of T.
Joachim Giesen, Balint Miklos, Mark Pauly and Camille Wormser.
The Scale Axis Transform.
We introduce the scale axis transform, a new skeletal shape representation
for bounded open sets O ⊂ Rd.
The scale axis transform induces a
family of skeletons that captures the important features of a shape in a
scale-adaptive way and yields a hierarchy of successively simplified
skeletons. Its definition is based on the medial axis transform and the
simplification of the shape under multiplicative scaling: the s-scaled shape
Os is the union of the medial balls of O with radii scaled by a factor of
s. The s-scale axis transform of O is the medial axis transform of Os, with
radii scaled back by a factor of 1/s. We prove topological properties of the
scale axis transform and we describe the evolution s → Os by defining
the multiplicative distance function to the shape and studying properties of
the corresponding steepest ascent flow. All our theoretical results hold for
any dimension. In addition, using a discrete approximation, we present
several examples of two-dimensional scale axis transforms that illustrate
the practical relevance of our new framework.
Francis Y. L. Chin, Zeyu Guo and He Sun.
Minimum Manhattan Network is NP-Complete.
Given a set T of n points in R2, a network G is said to be a Manhattan
network on T, if for all p, q ∈ T there exists a Manhattan path, consisting
of horizontal and vertical line segments, between p and q and all its line
segments are in G. For a given network G, let the length of G, denoted by
L(G), be the total length of all the segments in G. For a given
point set T, the Minimum Manhattan Network Problem is to find a Manhattan
network G on T with minimum L(G). Over the past ten years, whether this
problem is NP-complete has been open, and there has been a vast amount of
research devoted to the designing of approximation algorithms for this
In this paper, we shall prove that this problem is strongly NP-complete,
which implies that there does not exist FPTAS algorithms for this problem
unless P=NP. The reduction is from the well-known 3-SAT problem, relying on
six different gadgets in the reduction. The validity of the reduction has
been confirmed with a computer program.
Eyal Ackerman, Jacob Fox, János Pach and Andrew Suk.
On Grids in Topological Graphs.
A topological graph is a graph drawn in the plane
with vertices represented by points and edges as arcs connecting its
vertices. If the edges are drawn as straight-line segments, then the
graph is geometric. A (k, l)-grid in a topological graph is a
pair of edge subsets E1 and E2, such that |E1| = k, |E1| = l,
and every edge in E1 crosses every edge in E2. It is known that
for fixed constants k, l, every n-vertex topological graph with no
(k, l)-grid has O(n) edges. We conjecture that this remains true
even when: (1) considering grids with distinct vertices; or
(2) the edges within each subset of the grid are required to be
pairwise disjoint and the graph is geometric. These conjectures
are shown to be true apart from log∗n and log2n factors,
respectively. We also settle the second conjecture for the first
nontrivial case k = 2, l = 1, and for convex geometric graphs.
The latter result follows from a stronger statement that generalizes
the celebrated Marcus-Tardos Theorem on excluded patterns in 0-1
Mohammad Abam and Mark de Berg.
Kinetic Spanners in Rd.
We present a new (1 + ε)-spanner for sets of n points in
Rd. Our spanner has size O(n / εd - 1)
and maximum degree O(logdn). The main advantage of our spanner is that it can be maintained
efficiently as the points move: Assuming the trajectories of the
points can be described by bounded-degree polynomials, the number of
topological changes to the spanner is O(n2 / εd - 1), and using a
supporting data structure of size O(n logdn) we can handle events
in O(logd + 1n) time. Moreover, the spanner can be updated in O(log
n) time if the flight plan of a point changes. This is the first
kinetic spanner for points in Rd whose performance does not depend on
the spread of the point set.
Naoki Katoh and Shin-ichi Tanigawa.
A Proof of the Molecular Conjecture.
A d-dimensional body-and-hinge framework is, roughly
speaking, a structure consisting of rigid bodies connected by hinges
in d-dimensional space, whose generic infinitesimal rigidity has
been characterized in terms of the underlying multigraph independently
by Tay and Whiteley as follows: A multigraph G can be realized as an
infinitesimally rigid body-and-hinge framework by mapping each vertex
to a body and each edge to a hinge if and only if (D - 1)G contains
D edge-disjoint spanning trees, where D = (d + 1 choose 2) and
(D - 1)G is the graph obtained from G by replacing each edge by
(D - 1) parallel edges. In 1984 they jointly posed a question about
whether their combinatorial characterization can be further applied to
a nongeneric case. Specifically, they conjectured that G can be
realized as an infinitesimally rigid body-and-hinge framework if and
only if G can be realized as that with the additional
``hinge-coplanar'' property, i.e., all the hinges incident to each
body are contained in a common hyperplane. This conjecture is called
the Molecular Conjecture due to the equivalence between the
infinitesimal rigidity of ``hinge-coplanar'' body-and-hinge frameworks
and that of bar-and-joint frameworks derived from molecules in
3-dimension. In 2-dimensional case this conjecture has been proved
by Jackson and Jordán in 2006. In this paper we prove this long
standing conjecture affirmatively for general dimension. Also, as a
corollary, we obtain a combinatorial characterization of the
3-dimensional rigidity matroid for the bar-and-joint framework of
the square of a graph.
Frédéric Chazal, David Cohen-Steiner, Marc Glisse, Leonidas Guibas and Steve Oudot.
Proximity of Persistence Modules and their Diagrams.
Topological persistence has proven to be a key concept for
the study of real-valued functions defined over topological
spaces. Its validity relies on the fundamental property that the
persistence diagrams of nearby functions are close. However, existing
stability results are restricted to the case of continuous functions
defined over triangulable spaces.
In this paper, we present new stability results that do not suffer
from the above restrictions. Furthermore, by working at an algebraic
level directly, we make it possible to compare the persistence
diagrams of functions defined over different spaces, thus enabling a
variety of new applications of the concept of persistence. Along the
way, we extend the definition of persistence diagram to a larger
setting, introduce the notions of discretization of a persistence
module and associated pixelization map, define a proximity measure
between persistence modules, and show how to interpolate between
persistence modules, thereby lending a more analytic character to this
otherwise algebraic setting. We believe these new theoretical concepts
and tools shed new light on the theory of persistence, in addition to
simplifying proofs and enabling new applications.
Mark de Berg, Herman Haverkort and Constantinos Tsirogiannis.
Visibility Maps of Realistic Terrains have Linear Smoothed Complexity.
We study the complexity of the visibility map of
terrains whose triangles are fat, not too steep and have
roughly the same size. It is known that the complexity
of the visibility map of such a terrain with n triangles is
Θ(n2) in the worst
case. We prove that if the elevations of the vertices of the terrain are
subject to uniform noise which is proportional to the edge lengths,
then the worst-case expected (smoothed) complexity is only Θ(n).
This provides an explanation why visibility maps of superlinear complexity
are unlikely to be
encountered in practice.
Gaiane Panina and Ileana Streinu.
Flattening Single-Vertex Origami: The Non-Expansive Case.
Very little is known about the foldability and
reconfiguration of rigid origami: flat pieces of paper creased along
internal edges forming a plane graph, allowed to bend along the
creases while maintaining the rigid geometry of the faces. But no
progress can be made without fully understanding the simplest case,
which appears as a necessary step in any possible method: the
single-vertex origami. For a vertex placed in the interior of the
piece of paper, or for a boundary vertex incident to a paper angle of
at most π, Streinu and Whiteley solved the problem by reducing it
to the Carpenter's Rule Problem for closed spherical polygons. Their
method, using expansive motions induced by pointed spherical
pseudo-triangulation mechanisms, can be applied to unfold closed
spherical polygons of total length less than 2π, and open ones
less than π. It is known that lengths larger than 2π may not
be reconfigurable.
The remaining case, open polygons of length between π and 2π,
is not directly amenable to the pseudo-triangulation technique, as it
requires both contractive and expansive motions. Here, we settle the
problem by showing that it is always possible to unfold, without
self-collisions, a spherical bar-and-joint polygonal path of total
length between π and 2π. The motion (necessarily partially
non-expansive) can be carried out in discrete steps, and completed in
finite time, for which we give precise bounds.
Oswin Aichholzer, Wolfgang Aigner, Franz Aurenhammer, Thomas Hackl, Bert Juettler, Margot Rabl and Elisabeth Pilgerstorfer.
Divide-and-Conquer for Voronoi Diagrams Revisited.
We show how to divide the edge graph of a Voronoi diagram
into a tree that corresponds to the medial axis of a (modified) planar
domain. Division into base cases is then possible, which, in the
bottom-up phase, can be merged by trivial concatenation. The
resulting construction algorithm - similar to Delaunay triangulation
methods - is not bisector-based and merely computes dual links between
the sites, its atomic steps being inclusion tests for sites in
circles. This guarantees computational simplicity and numerical
stability. Moreover, no part of the Voronoi diagram, once
constructed, has to be discarded again. The algorithm works for
polygonal and curved objects as sites and, in particular, for circular
arcs which allows its extension to general free-form objects by
stability-preserving and data saving biarc approximations. The
algorithm is randomized, with expected runtime O(n log n) under
certain assumptions on the input data. Experiments substantiate an
efficient behavior even when these assumptions are not
met. Applications to offset computations and motion planning for
general objects are described.
Marc Pouget, Sylvain Lazard, Elias Tsigaridas, Fabrice Rouillier, Luis Peńaranda and Jinsan Cheng.
On the Topology of Planar Algebraic Curves.
We revisit the problem of computing the topology and geometry of a
real algebraic plane curve. The topology is of prime interest but
geometric information, such as the position of singular and critical
points, is also relevant. A challenge is to compute efficiently this
information for the given coordinate system even if the curve is not
in generic position.
Previous methods based on the cylindrical algebraic decomposition
(CAD) use sub-resultant sequences and computations with polynomials
with algebraic coefficients. A novelty of our approach is to
replace these tools by Gröbner basis computations and isolation with
rational univariate representations. This has the advantage of
avoiding computations with polynomials with algebraic coefficients,
even in non-generic positions. Our algorithm isolates critical
points in boxes and computes a decomposition of the plane (which is
not a CAD) by rectangular boxes. This decomposition also induces a
new approach for computing an arrangement of polylines isotopic to
the input curve. We also present an analysis of the complexity of
our algorithm. An implementation of our algorithm demonstrates its
efficiency, in particular on high-degree non-generic curves.
Vicente H. F. Batista, David L. Millman, Sylvain Pion and Johannes Singler.
Parallel Geometric Algorithms for Multi-Core Computers.
Computers with multiple processor cores using shared memory are now
In this paper, we present several parallel geometric algorithms that
specifically target this environment, with the goal of exploiting the
additional computing power.
The d-dimensional algorithms we describe are (a) spatial sorting of
points, as is typically used for preprocessing before using incremental
algorithms, (b) kd-tree construction, (c) axis-aligned box intersection
computation, and finally (d) bulk insertion of points in Delaunay
triangulations for mesh generation algorithms or simply computing Delaunay
We show experimental results for these algorithms in 3D, using our
implementations based on the Computational Geometry Algorithms Library
This work is a step towards what we hope will become a parallel
mode for CGAL, where algorithms automatically use the available parallel
resources without requiring significant user intervention.
Pankaj Kumar Agarwal, Esther Ezra and Micha Sharir.
Near-Linear Approximation Algorithms for Geometric Hitting Sets.
Given a set system (X,ℜ), the hitting set problem is to find a
smallest-cardinality subset H ⊆ X, with the property that each
range R ∈ ℜ has a non-empty intersection with H.
We present near-linear time approximation algorithms for the hitting set
problem, under the following geometric settings:
(i) ℜ is a set of planar regions with small union complexity.
(ii) ℜ is a set of axis-parallel d-rectangles in d-space.
In both cases X is either the entire d-dimensional space
or a finite set of points in d-space. The approximation factors
yielded by the algorithm are small; they are either the same as or
within an O(log n) factor of the best factors known to be computable
in polynomial time.
Sandor Fekete, Dietmar Fey, Marcus Komann, Alexander Kroeller, Marc Reichenbach and Christiane Schmidt.
Distributed Vision with Smart Pixels.
We study a problem related to computer vision: How can a
field of sensors compute higher-level properties of observed objects
deterministically in sublinear time, without accessing a central
authority? This issue is not only important for real-time processing
of images, but lies at the very heart of understanding how a brain may
be able to function.
In particular, we consider a quadratic field of n "smart pixels" on a
video chip that observe a B/W image. Each pixel can exchange low-level
information with its immediate neighbors. We show that it is possible to
compute the centers of gravity along with a principal component analysis
of all connected components of the black grid graph in time
O(√n), by developing appropriate distributed protocols that are
modeled after sweepline methods.
Our method is not only interesting from a philosophical and theoretical
point of view, it is also useful for actual applications for controling
a robot arm that has to seize objects on a moving belt. We describe
details of an implementation on an FPGA; the code has also been
turned into a hardware design for an application-specific integrated
circuit (ASIC).
Gunnar Carlsson, Vin de Silva and Dmitriy Morozov.
Zigzag Persistent Homology and Real-valued Functions.
We study the problem of computing zigzag persistence of a
sequence of homology groups and study a particular sequence derived
from the levelsets of a real-valued function on a topological
space. The result is a local, symmetric interval descriptor of the
function. Our structural results establish a connection between the
zigzag pairs in this sequence and extended persistence, and in the
process resolve an open question associated with the latter. Our
algorithmic results not only provide a way to compute zigzag
persistence for any sequence of homology groups, but combined with our
structural results give a novel algorithm for computing extended
persistence. This algorithm is easily parallelizable and uses
(asymptotically) less memory.
Mikael Vejdemo-Johansson and Vin de Silva.
Persistent Cohomology and Circular Coordinates.
Nonlinear dimensionality reduction (NLDR) algorithms such as
Isomap, LLE and Laplacian Eigenmaps address the problem of
representing high-dimensional nonlinear data in terms of
low-dimensional coordinates which represent the intrinsic structure of
the data. This paradigm incorporates the assumption that real-valued
coordinates provide a rich enough class of functions to represent the
data faithfully and efficiently. On the other hand, there are simple
structures which challenge this assumption: the circle, for example,
is one-dimensional but its faithful representation requires two real
coordinates. In this work, we present a strategy for constructing
circle-valued functions on a statistical data set. We develop a
machinery of persistent cohomology to identify candidates for
significant circle-structures in the data, and we use harmonic
smoothing and integration to obtain the circle-valued coordinate
functions themselves. We suggest that this enriched class of
coordinate functions permits a precise NLDR analysis of a broader
range of realistic data sets.
Andrea Vattani. k-means Requires Exponentially Many Iterations Even in the Plane.
The k-means algorithm is a well-known method for partitioning n points that
lie in the d-dimensional space into k clusters. Its main features are
simplicity and speed in practice.
Theoretically, however, the best known upper bound on its running time (i.e.
O(nkd)) is, in general, exponential in the number of points (when kd =
Ω(n / log n)). Recently, Arthur and Vassilvitskii [3] showed a
super-polynomial worst-case analysis, improving the best known lower bound
from Ω(n) to 2Ω(√n) with a construction in
d = Ω(√n) dimensions. In [3] they also conjectured the existence of
superpolynomial lower bounds for any d ≥ 2.
Our contribution is twofold: we prove this conjecture and we improve the
lower bound, by presenting a simple construction in the plane that leads to
the exponential lower bound 2Ω(n).
Natasa Jovanovic, Jan Korst, Ramon Clout, Verus Pronk and Ludo Tolhuizen.
Candle in the Woods: Asymptotic Bounds on Minimum Blocking Sets.
We consider the problem of determining the minimum number
Nd of unit disks that is required to block all rays emanating from a
point P in the two-dimensional space, where each disk has at least a
distance d to point P and to any other disk. We study the asymptotic
behavior of Nd, as d tends to infinity. By deriving upper bounds and
lower bounds, we prove that π2 / 16 ≤ limd→∞ (Nd / d2) ≤
18 / π2, where the upper bound is based on establishing an interesting
link between unit disks positioned on a regular triangular grid and
Farey sequences from number theory. By positioning point P as well as
the centers of the disks on the grid points of such a triangular grid,
we create hexagonal rings of disks around P. We prove that we need
exactly d - 1 of these hexagons to block all rays emanating from P.
Bernard Chazelle and Wolfgang Mulzer.
Computing Hereditary Convex Structures.
Color red and blue the n vertices of a convex polytope P in
R3. Can we
compute the convex hull of each color class in o(n log n)? What if we
have k > 2 colors? What if the colors are random? Consider an arbitrary
query halfspace and call the vertices of P inside it blue: can the
convex hull of the blue points be computed in time linear in their
number? More generally, can we quickly compute the blue hull without
looking at the whole polytope? This paper considers several instances of
hereditary computation and provides new results for them. In
particular, we resolve an eight-year old open problem by showing how to
split a convex polytope in linear expected time.
Nabil Mustafa and Saurabh Ray.
PTAS for Geometric Hitting Set Problems via Local Search.
We consider the problem of computing minimum-sized geometric
hitting sets in which, given a set of geometric objects and a set of
points, the goal is to compute the smallest subset of points which hit
all geometric objects. The problem is known to be strongly NP-hard
even for simple geometric objects like unit disks in the
plane. Therefore, unless P = NP, it is not possible to get Fully
Polynomial Time Approximation Algorithms (FPTAS) for such problems. We
give the first PTAS for this problem when the geometric objects are
halfspaces in ℜ3 and when they are r-admissible regions in the
plane (this includes pseudodiscs since they are 2-admissible). When
there are m objects and n points, the algorithm computes a
(1 + ε)-approximation to the minimum hitting set in time
O(mnO(ε-2)). Quite suprisingly, our algorithm is a very
simple local search algorithm which iterates over local improvements.
Jean-Daniel Boissonnat, Olivier Devillers and Samuel Hornus.
An Efficient Implementation of the Delaunay Triangulation and its Graph in Medium Dimension.
We describe a new implementation of the well-known
incremental algorithm for the construction of Delaunay triangulations
in any dimension. Our implementation follows the exact computing
paradigm and is fully robust. Extensive comparisons show that our
implementation outperforms the best currently available codes for
convex hulls and Delaunay triangulations, and that it can be used for
quite big input sets in spaces of dimensions up to 6. To circumvent
prohibitive memory usage, we also propose a modification of the
algorithm that uses and stores only the Delaunay graph (the edges of
the full triangulation). We show that a careful implementation of the
modified algorithm performs only 5 to 8 times slower than the original
algorithm while drastically reducing memory usage in dimension 4 or
Sang Won Bae and Kyung-Yong Chwa.
The Geodesic Farthest-Site Voronoi Diagram in a Polygonal Domain with Holes.
We investigate the farthest-site Voronoi diagram of k point
sites with respect to the geodesic distance in a polygonal domain of
n corners and h (≥ 0) holes. In the case of h = 0,
Aronov et al. in 1993 proved that there are at most O(k)
faces in the diagram and the complexity of the diagram is at most
O(n + k). However, any nontrivial upper bound on the geodesic
farthest-site Voronoi diagram in a polygonal domain when h > 0
remains unknown afterwards. In this paper, we show that the diagram
in a polygonal domain consists of Θ(hk) faces and its total
combinatorial complexity is Θ(nk) in the worst case for any
h ≥ 1. Interestingly, the worst-case complexity of the
diagram is independent from the number h of holes if
h ≥ 1 while the maximum possible number of faces is dependent
on h rather than on the complexity n of the polygonal
domain. Also, we present an O(nk log2 (n + k) log
k)-time algorithm that constructs the diagram explicitly.
Chuanjiang Luo, Jian Sun and Yusu Wang.
Integral Estimation from Point Cloud in ℜd: a Geometric View.
Integration over a domain, such as a Euclidean space or a Riemannian
manifold, is a fundamental problem across scientific fields. Many
times, the underlying domain is only accessible through a discrete
approximation, such as a set of points sampled from it, and it is
crucial to be able to estimate integral in such discrete settings. In
this paper, we study the problem of estimating the integral of a
function over a k-submanifold embedding in
ℜd, from its function values over a set of
sample points. Previously, such estimation is usually obtained in a
statistical setting, where input data is usually assumed to be drawn
from certain probabilistic distribution. Our paper considers arbitrary
point clouds data (PCD), and approaches the problem from a geometric
point of view. Specifically, we model the integral as a weighted sum,
and propose two weighting schemes: the Voronoi and the Principle
eigenvector weighting schemes. The running time of both methods
depends mostly on the intrinsic dimension of the underlying manifold,
instead of on the ambient dimensions. We show that the estimation
based on the Voronoi scheme converges to the true integral (explicit
error bound is given) under the standard (ε, δ)-sampling
condition. This is the first result of this sort for estimating
integral from general PCDs. For the Principle eigenvector scheme,
although no theoretical guarantee is established for it, we show its
connection to the heat diffusion operator and illustrate several
justifications behind its construction. Experiments show that both
new methods consistently out-perform common statistical methods under
various sampling conditions.
David Eppstein, Elena Mumford, Bettina Speckmann and Kevin Verbeek.
Area-Universal Rectangular Layouts.
A rectangular layout is a partition of a rectangle into a finite set
of interior-disjoint rectangles. Rectangular layouts appear in various
applications: as rectangular cartograms in cartography, as floorplans
in building architecture and VLSI design, in treemap visualizations,
and as graph drawings. Often areas are associated with the rectangles
of a rectangular layout and it might hence be desirable if one
rectangular layout can represent several area assignments. A layout is
area-universal if any assignment of areas to rectangles can be
realized by a combinatorially equivalent rectangular layout. We
identify a simple necessary and sufficient condition for a rectangular
layout to be area-universal: a rectangular layout is area-universal if
and only if it is one-sided. More generally, given any rectangular
layout L and any assignment of areas to its regions, we show that
there can be at most one layout (up to horizontal and vertical
scaling) which is combinatorially equivalent to L and achieves a given
area assignment.
We also investigate similar questions for perimeter assignments. The
adjacency requirements for the rectangles of a rectangular layout can
be specified in various ways, most commonly via the dual graph of the
layout. We show how to find an area-universal layout for a given set
of adjacency requirements whenever such a layout exists.
Andrea Francke and Michael Hoffmann.
Maximum Degree Four Euclidean Minimum Spanning Tree is NP-hard.
We show that it is an NP-hard problem to decide for a given
set P of n points in the Euclidean plane and a given parameter
k ∈ ℜ, whether P admits a spanning tree of maximum vertex degree
four whose sum of edge lengths does not exceed k.
Rom Pinchasi.
Halving Lines and Measure Concentration in the Plane.
Given a set P of n points in the plane and a collection
of k halving lines of Pl1,..., lk, indexed
according to the increasing order of their slopes, we denote by
d(lj, lj + 1) the number of points in P that lie above
lj + 1 and below lj. We prove an upper bound of
O(nk1/3) for the sum
∑j = 1..k-1d(lj, lj + 1).
We show how this problem is related to the halving lines problem and
provide several consequences about measure concentration in
Tamal Dey and Kuiyu Li.
Cut Locus and Topology from Surface Point Data.
A cut locus of a point p in a compact Riemannian manifold
M is defined as the set of points where minimizing geodesics issued
from p stop being minimizing. It is known that a cut locus contains
most of the topological information of M. Our goal is to utilize
this property of the cut loci to decipher the topology of M from a
point sample. Recently it has been shown that Rips complexes can be
built from a point sample P of M systematically to compute the
Betti numbers, the rank of the homology groups of M. Rips complexes
can be computed easily and therefore are favored over others such as
restricted Delaunay, alpha, Čech, and witness complex. However,
the sizes of the Rips complexes tend to be large. Since the dimension
of a cut locus is lower than that of the manifold M, a sub-sample of
P approximating the cut locus is usually much smaller in size and
hence admits a relatively smaller Rips complex.
In this paper we explore the above approach for surfaces embedded in
any high dimensional Euclidean space. We present an algorithm that
computes a sub-sample P' of a sample P of a 2-manifold where
P' approximates a cut locus. Empirical results show that the first
Betti number of M can be computed from the Rips complexes built on
these sub-samples. The sizes of these Rips complexes are much smaller
than the one built on the original sample of M.
Marc van Kreveld and Rodrigo Silveira.
Embedding Rivers in Polyhedral Terrains.
Data conflation is a major issue in GIS: spatial data obtained from
different sources, using different acquisition techniques, needs to be
combined into one single consistent data set before the data can be
analyzed. The most common occurrence for hydrological applications is
conflation of a digital elevation model and rivers. We assume that a
polyhedral terrain is given, and a subset of its edges are designated as
river edges, each with a flow direction. The goal is to obtain a terrain
where the rivers flow along valley edges, in the specified direction, while
preserving the original terrain as much as possible.
We study the problem of changing the elevations of the vertices to ensure
that all the river edges become valley edges, while minimizing the total
elevation change. We show that this problem can be solved using linear
programming. However, several types of artifacts can occur in an optimal
solution. We analyze which other criteria, relevant for hydrological
applications, can be captured by linear constraints as well, in order to
reduce such artifacts. We implemented and tested the approach on real
terrain and river data, and describe the results obtained with different
variants of the algorithm. Moreover, we give a polynomial-time algorithm for
river embedding for the special case where only the elevations of the river
vertices can be modified.
Mashhood Ishaque, Bettina Speckmann and Csaba Toth.
Shooting Permanent Rays Among Disjoint Polygons in the Plane.
We present a data structure for ray shooting and insertion
in the free space among disjoint polygonal obstacles with a total of
n vertices in the plane. The portion of each query ray between the
starting point and the first obstacle hit is inserted permanently as a
new obstacle. Our data structure uses O(n log n) space and
preprocessing time, and it supports m successive ray shooting and
insertion queries in O(n log2n + m log m) total time. We present
two applications for our data structure:
(1) Our data structure supports efficient implementation of auto-partitions in the plane, that is, binary space partitions where
each partition is done along a supporting line of an input segment. If
n input line segments are fragmented into m pieces by an
auto-partition, then it can now be implemented in O(n log2n + m log
m) time. This improves the expected runtime of Patersen and Yao's
classical randomized auto-partition algorithm for n disjoint line
segments in the plane to O(n log2n).
(2) If we are given disjoint polygonal obstacles with a total of n
vertices in the plane, a permutation of the reflex vertices, and a
half-line at each reflex vertex that partitions the reflex angle into
two convex angles, then the convex partitioning algorithm draws a ray
emanating from each reflex vertex in the prescribed order in the given
direction until it hits another obstacle, a previous ray, or
infinity. The previously best implementation (with a semi-dynamic ray
shooting data structure) requires O(n3/2 - ε/2) time
using O(n1 + ε) space. Our data structure improves the
runtime to O(n log2n).
Chandra Chekuri, Ken Clarkson and Sariel Har-Peled.
On the Multi-Cover Problem in Geometric Settings.
We consider the set multi-cover problem in geometric settings. Given a
set of points P and a collection of geometric shapes (or
sets) F, we wish to find a minimum cardinality subset of
F such that each point p ∈ P is covered
(contained in) at least d(p) sets. Here
d(p) is an integer requirement for p. When
the demands d(p) = 1 for all p, this is the
standard set cover problem. The set cover problem
in geometric settings admits an approximation ratio that is better
than the general version. In this paper, we show that similar
improvements can be obtained for the multi-cover problem as well.
In particular, we obtain an O(log opt) approximation for set
systems of bounded VC-dimension and an
O(1) approximation for covering points by half-spaces in three
dimensions and for some other classes of shapes.
Timothy Chan and Sariel Har-Peled.
Approximation Algorithms for Maximum Independent Set of Pseudo-Disks.
We present the first constant-factor approximation algorithm
maximum independent set of pseudo-disks in the plane, both in the
weighted and unweighted cases. For the unweighted case, we
suggest a local search algorithm that, in polynomial time,
provides a 10 approximation to the optimal solution. For the
weighted case, we suggest a novel rounding scheme based on an LP
relaxation of the problem, that leads to a constant approximation.
Most previous algorithms for maximum independent set (in geometric
settings) relied on packing arguments that are not applicable in
this case. As such, the analysis of both algorithms requires some
new ideas that we believe to be of independent interest.
Bernd Gärtner and Martin Jaggi.
Core-Sets for Polytope Distance.
Following recent work of Clarkson, we translate the core-set
framework to the problems of finding the point closest to the origin
inside a polytope, finding the shortest distance between two
polytopes, Perceptrons, and soft- as well as hard-margin Support
Vector Machines (SVM).
We prove asymptotically matching upper and lower bounds on the size of
core-sets, stating that ε-core-sets of size
(1 + o(1)) E∗ / ε
do always exist, and that this is best
possible. The crucial quantity E∗ is what we call the excentricity
of a polytope, or a pair of polytopes.
Additionally, we prove linear convergence speed of Gilbert's
algorithm, one of the earliest known approximation algorithms for
polytope distance, and generalize both the algorithm and the proof to
the two polytope case.
Interestingly, our coreset bounds also imply that we can for the first
time prove matching upper and lower bounds for the sparsity of
Perceptron and SVM solutions.
Kasturi Varadarajan.
Epsilon Nets and Union Complexity.
We consider the following combinatorial problem: given a set
of n objects (for example, disks in the plane, triangles), and an
integer L ≥ 1, what is the size of the smallest subset of these
n objects that covers all points that are in at least L of the
objects ? This is the classic question about the size of an
L/n-net for these objects. It is well known that for fairly
general classes of geometric objects the size of an L/n-net
is O((n/L) log (n/L)). There are some instances where
this general bound can be improved, and this improvement is usually
due to bounds on the combinatorial complexity (size) of the boundary
of the union of these objects. Thus, the boundary of the union of m
disks has size O(m), and this translate to an O(n/L) bound
on the size of an L/n-net for disks. For m fat triangles,
the size of the union boundary is O(m log log m), and this yields
L/n-nets of size O((n/L) log log (n/L)).
Improved nets directly translate into an upper bound on the ratio
between the optimal integral solution and the optimal fractional
solution for the corresponding geometric set cover problem. Thus, for
covering points by disks, this raio is O(1); and for covering
points by fat triangles, this ratio is O(log log n). This
connection to approximation algorithms for geometric set cover is
a major motivation for attempting to improve bounds on nets.
Our main result is an argument that in some cases yields nets
that are smaller than those previously obtained from the size
of the union boundary. Thus for fat triangles, for instance, we obtain
nets of size O((n/L) log log log n). We use this to
obtain a randomized polynomial time algorithm that gives
an O(log log log k)-approximation for the problem of covering
k points by the smallest subset of a given set of triangles.
Timothy M. Chan and Eric Y. Chen.
Optimal In-Place Algorithms for 3-d Convex Hulls and 2-d Segment Intersection.
We describe the first optimal randomized in-place algorithm
for the basic 3-d convex hull problem (and consequently for 2-d
Voronoi diagrams). The algorithm runs in O(n log n) expected time
using only O(1) extra space; this improves the previous O(n log3n) bound by Brönnimann, Chan, and Chen [SoCG'04]. The same
approach leads to an optimal randomized in-place algorithm for the 2-d
line segment intersection problem, with O(n log n + k) expected
running time for output size k, improving the previous O(n log2n
+ k) bound by Vahrenhold [WADS'05]. We also point out a
simplification of a known optimal cache-oblivious (non-in-place)
algorithm by Kumar and Ramos (2002) for 3-d convex hulls, and observe
its applicability to 2-d segment intersection, extending a recent
result for 2-d red/blue segment intersection by Arge, Mřlhave, and
Zeh [ESA'08]. Our results are all obtained by standard random
sampling techniques, with some interesting twists.
Luc Habert and Michel Pocchiola.
Arrangements of Double Pseudolines.
We define an arrangement of double pseudolines as a finite
family of at least two homotopically trivial simple closed curves
embedded in a projective plane, with the property that any two meet in
exactly four points, where they cross, and induce a cell structure on
the projective plane. We show that any arrangement of double
pseudolines is the dual family of a family of pairwise disjoint convex
bodies of a projective plane endowed with a topological point-line
incidence geometry, and we provide a simple axiomatic characterization
of the class of isomorphism classes of indexed arrangements of
oriented double pseudolines.
Friedrich Eisenbrand, Nicolai Haehnle and Thomas Rothvoss.
Diameter of Polyhedra: Limits of Abstraction.
We investigate the diameter of a family of connected graphs
G = (V, E) which contains the 1-skeletons of non-degenerate polyhedra
in dimension d having n facets. The vertices V of G are subsets of
{1,...,n} of cardinality d and the edges E of G are such that the
following connectivity condition holds:
For each u, v in V there exists a path whose intermediate verticesa
all contain u ∩ v.
The largest diameter of such a graph is denoted by Δ(d, n).
In the setting of non-degenerate polyhedra, each vertex is
uniquely determined by the d facets in which it is contained and
there exists a path from a vertex u to a vertex v which does not
leave the facets in which both u and v are contained. Thus if
Δu(d, n) is the maximum diameter of a non-degenerate polyhedron
with n facets in dimension d, then Δu(d, n) ≤ Δ(d, n)
This graph class contains furthermore a class introduced by
Kalai, who, in addition to the condition above,
explicitly defines the edges E to be the pairs uv such that
|u ∩ v| = d - 1.
Kalai calls this relaxation of 1-skeletons
ultraconnected set systems and remarks that the asymptotically
best upper bounds which are known for polyhedra can also be proved to
hold in this setting. These bounds are the linear upper bound 2d - 1n
in fixed dimension d by Larman and the
quasipolynomial upper bound nlog d + 2 by Kalai and Kleitman.
We observe that similar bounds also hold for Δ(d, n). More precisely
we prove Δ(d, n) ≤ 2d - 1n and Δ(d, n) ≤ nlog d + 1.
Our main result is a superlinear lower bound on Δ(d, n), namely
Δ(d, n) ≥ dn - 3d2√n, which, for a suitable choice of d
is Ω(n3/2). The non-trivial construction relies on disjoint
covering designs and uses Hall's theorem which characterizes the
existence of perfect matchings in a bi-partite graph.
This result shows that, while this simple abstraction
still offers enough features to allow the proofs of the best
asymptotic upper bounds on the diameter of polyhedra to be adapted, a
linear bound, as it is conjectured in
the famous Hirsch conjecture, would require additional features
stemming from geometry.
Chee Yap and Long Lin.
Parametrizability and Nonlocal Isotopy: An Approach to Efficient Approximation of Nonsingular Curves.
We consider domain subdivision algorithms for
computing isotopic approximations of nonsingular curves
represented implicitly by an equation f(X, Y) = 0.
Two algorithms in this area are
from Snyder (1992) and Plantinga and Vegter (2004).
We introduce a new algorithm that combines the
advantages of these two algorithms:
like Snyder, we use the parametrizability criterion
for subdivision, and like Plantinga-Vegter we exploit non-local isotopy.
We further extend our algorithm in two important and practical directions:
first, we allow subdivision cells
to be rectangles with arbitrary but bounded aspect ratios.
Second, we extend the input domains to be regions R0 with
arbitrary geometry and which might not be simply connected.
Our algorithm halts as long as the curve has no singularities
in the region, and intersects the boundary of R0 transversally.
We report on very encouraging preliminary experimental results,
showing that our algorithms can be much more efficient than both
Plantinga-Vegter's and Snyder's algorithms.
Erin Chambers, Jeff Erickson and Amir Nayyeri.
Minimum Cuts and Shortest Homologous Cycles.
We describe the first algorithms to compute minimum cuts in
surface-embedded graphs in near-linear time. Given an undirected
graph embedded on an orientable surface of genus g, with two
specified vertices s and t, our algorithm computes a minimum
(s, t)-cut in gO(g)n log n time. Except for the special case
of planar graphs, for which O(n log n)-time algorithms have been
known for more than 20 years, the best previous time bounds for
finding minimum cuts in embedded graphs follow from algorithms for
general sparse graphs. A slight generalization of our minimum-cut
algorithm computes a minimum-cost subgraph in every Z2-homology
class. We also prove that finding a minimum-cost subgraph homologous
to a single input cycle is NP-hard.
Don Sheehy and Gary Miller.
Approximate Center Points with Proofs.
This paper presents the first deterministic algorithm for
computing an approximate center point of a set P ∈ ℜd with
running time subexponential in d. The algorithm is a
derandomization of the Iterated-Radon algorithm of Clarkson et al and
is guaranteed to terminate with an O(1 / d2)-center. Moreover, it
returns a polynomial-time checkable proof of the approximation
guarantee, despite the coNP-Completenes of testing center points in
general. We also show how using iterated Tverberg points can improve
the runtime of the deterministic algorithm and improve the
approximation guarantee for the randomized algorithm. In particular,
we show how to improve the O(1 / d2) approximation ratio of the
Iterated-Radon algorithm to O(1 / dr / (r - 1)) for a cost of
O((rd)d) in time for any integer r.
Csaba Toth.
Binary Plane Partitions for Disjoint Line Segments.
A binary space partition (BSP) for a set of disjoint objects
in Euclidean space is a recursive decomposition of the space, where
each step partitions the space (and some of the objects) along a
hyperplane and recurses on the objects clipped in each of the two open
halfspaces. The size of a BSP is defined as the number of resulting
fragments of the input objects. It is shown that every set of n
disjoint line segments in the plane admits a BSP of size O(n log n / log log n).
This bound is best possible apart from the constant factor.
Peyman Afshani, Chris Hamilton and Norbert Zeh.
Cache-Oblivious Range Reporting With Optimal Queries Requires Superlinear Space.
We consider a number of range reporting problems in two and
three dimensions and prove lower bounds on the amount of space used by
any cache-oblivious data structure for these problems that achieves an
optimal query bound of O(logBN + K / B)
memory transfers in the
worst case, where K is the size of the query output.
The problems we study are three-sided range reporting in the plane,
dominance reporting in three dimensions, and halfspace range
reporting in three dimensions. We prove that, in order to achieve
the above query bound or even a bound of O((logBN)c (1 +
K / B)) for any constant c > 0, the structure has to use &Omega(N
(log log N)ε) space, where ε > 0 is a constant
that depends on c and the constants hidden in the big-Oh notation
of the query bound.
Our result has a number of interesting consequences. The first one
is a new type of separation between the I/O-model and the
cache-oblivious model, as I/O-efficient structures with the optimal
query bound and using linear or O(N log∗N) space are known
for the above problems. The second consequence is the non-existence
of linear-space cache-oblivious persistent B-trees with worst-case
optimal range queries.
Glencora Borradaile, James Lee and Anastasios Sidiropoulos.
Randomly Removing g Handles at Once.
It was shown in [Indyk and Sidiropoulos 07] that any
orientable graph of genus g can be probabilistically embedded into a
graph of genus g - 1 with constant distortion. In particular, such
graphs embed into a distribution over planar graphs with distortion
exp(O(g)). By removing all g handles at once, we present a
probabilistic embedding with distortion poly(g), which also works in
the non-orientable case. Our result is obtained by showing that the
minimum-cut graph [Erickson and Har-Peled 2004] has low dilation, and
then randomly cutting this graph out of the surface using the Peeling
Lemma of [Lee and Sidiropoulos 08].
Peyman Afshani, Chris Hamilton and Norbert Zeh.
A Unified Approach for Cache-Oblivious Range Reporting and Approximate Range Counting.
In this paper we present cache-oblivious solutions to two
important variants of range searching: range reporting and approximate
range counting. The main contribution of our paper is a unified
approach for constructing cache-oblivious data structures that provide
relative (1 + ε)-approximations for a general class of range
counting queries. This class includes three-sided range counting in
the plane, dominance counting in three dimensions, and halfspace range
counting in three dimensions. Our technique allows us to obtain data
structures that use linear space and answer queries in the optimal
query bound of O(logB (N / K)) in the worst case, where K is the
number of points in the query range.
Except for orthogonal range counting in the plane, no such
structures were known in the cache-oblivious model before.
Furthermore, our approach is powerful enough to provide the first
approximate halfspace range counting data structure with a
worst-case query time of O(log (N / K)) in internal memory;
previously, the same query bound was only known to hold in the
expected case.
An easy but important consequence of our main result is the
existence of O(N log N)-space cache-oblivious data structures
with an optimal query complexity of O(logBN + K / B) for the
reporting versions of the same problems. Through standard
reductions, we also obtain the first cache-oblivious data structures
that use near-linear space and achieve the optimal query bound for
circular range reporting and k-nearest neighbor search in the
plane, and for orthogonal range reporting in three dimensions.
MADALGO - Center for Massive Data Algorithmics, a Center of the Danish National Research Foundation / Department of Computer Science / Aarhus University